Mastering Android Ricoh Theta X: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Set ISO using Java
Image by Cirillo -

Mastering Android Ricoh Theta X: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Set ISO using Java

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Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your Android Ricoh Theta X? One of the key aspects of capturing stunning 360-degree photos and videos is controlling the camera’s ISO settings. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you on a journey to learn how to set ISO of Android Ricoh Theta X using Java. Get ready to dive into the world of Android development and Ricoh Theta X’s API!

Why is ISO important?

Before we dive into the coding part, let’s quickly discuss why ISO is crucial in photography. ISO (International Organization for Standardization) refers to the camera’s sensitivity to light. A lower ISO (e.g., 100) means less sensitivity, while a higher ISO (e.g., 6400) means more sensitivity. Understanding ISO is vital for capturing high-quality images in various lighting conditions.

When to adjust ISO?

  • Low-light conditions: Increase ISO to capture more light, but be cautious of noise and grain.
  • Bright conditions: Decrease ISO to prevent overexposure and washed-out images.
  • Indoor shooting: Adjust ISO according to the lighting conditions, taking into account the presence of windows, artificial lighting, or shadows.


Before we begin, make sure you have:

  • Android Studio installed on your computer
  • Ricoh Theta X Android API library (available on the Ricoh Theta X developer portal)
  • A basic understanding of Java programming language
  • A Ricoh Theta X camera connected to your Android device via USB or Wi-Fi

Setting up the project

Create a new project in Android Studio:

  1. Create a new Android project in Android Studio.
  2. Choose “Empty Activity” and name your project (e.g., “RicohThetaX_ISO_Control”).
  3. In the project structure, create a new folder called “libs” and add the Ricoh Theta X Android API library (.jar file).
  4. In your app’s build.gradle file, add the following dependency: implementation files('libs/theta-android-api.jar')

Java code for setting ISO

In this section, we’ll create a Java class that will handle the ISO adjustment for the Ricoh Theta X camera.

public class ThetaXISOController {
    private static final String TAG = "ThetaXISOController";
    private Theta theta;

    public ThetaXISOController(Context context) {
        theta = new Theta(context);

    public void setISO(int isoValue) {
        // Check if the camera is connected
        if (theta.isConnected()) {
            // Get the current camera settings
            ThetaSettings settings = theta.getSettings();

            // Create a new camera settings object with the desired ISO value
            ThetaSettings newSettings = new ThetaSettings();

            // Apply the new settings to the camera
            Log.d(TAG, "ISO set to " + isoValue);
        } else {
            Log.e(TAG, "Camera is not connected");

In the above code, we created a `ThetaXISOController` class that takes a `Context` object as a parameter in its constructor. The `setISO` method checks if the camera is connected, gets the current camera settings, creates a new settings object with the desired ISO value, and applies the new settings to the camera.

Using the ThetaXISOController class

In your main activity, create an instance of the `ThetaXISOController` class and call the `setISO` method:

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    private ThetaXISOController thetaController;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        thetaController = new ThetaXISOController(this);

        // Set the ISO to 400

In the above example, we created an instance of the `ThetaXISOController` class in the `onCreate` method of our main activity and set the ISO to 400.


If you encounter any issues, check the following:

  • Make sure you have the correct Ricoh Theta X Android API library version.
  • Check the camera’s battery level and ensure it’s not in sleep mode.


With this comprehensive guide, you should now be able to set the ISO of your Android Ricoh Theta X camera using Java. Remember to experiment with different ISO values to capture stunning 360-degree photos and videos in various lighting conditions.

ISO Value Recommended Use
100-200 Bright outdoor conditions, landscape photography
400-800 Indoor shooting, portraits, and street photography
1600-3200 Low-light conditions, night photography, and astrophotography
6400 and above Extremely low-light conditions, noise reduction techniques may be necessary

Stay creative, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance!

Frequently Asked Question

If you’re struggling to set the ISO of your Android Ricoh Theta X using Java, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you out.

What is the minimum SDK version required to set the ISO of Ricoh Theta X using Java?

The minimum SDK version required to set the ISO of Ricoh Theta X using Java is 21 (Lollipop). Make sure your Android device is running on Android 5.0 or higher to use the Ricoh Theta X API.

How do I import the Ricoh Theta X API in my Java project?

To import the Ricoh Theta X API in your Java project, you need to add the following lines of code: `import;` and `import;`. These imports will give you access to the camera and camera manager classes, which are required to set the ISO.

How do I create an instance of the Camera object to set the ISO?

To create an instance of the Camera object, you need to use the `CameraManager` class. Here’s an example: `Camera camera = CameraManager.getInstance();`. This will give you a singleton instance of the Camera object, which you can use to set the ISO.

What is the method to set the ISO of the Ricoh Theta X using Java?

The method to set the ISO of the Ricoh Theta X using Java is `camera.setIso(Iso iso)`. Here, `iso` is an instance of the `Iso` enum class, which has values such as `Iso.AUTO`, `Iso.ISO100`, `Iso.ISO200`, and so on.

Can I set the ISO of the Ricoh Theta X using Java while taking a photo?

Yes, you can set the ISO of the Ricoh Theta X using Java while taking a photo. You need to set the ISO before calling the `takePicture()` method. Here’s an example: `camera.setIso(Iso.ISO200); camera.takePicture();`. This will set the ISO to 200 and then take a photo.