Error with Pagedown in RMarkdown when Running from a MacBook: A Comprehensive Guide to Troubleshooting
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Error with Pagedown in RMarkdown when Running from a MacBook: A Comprehensive Guide to Troubleshooting

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If you’re an R enthusiast using a MacBook, you might have stumbled upon an annoying error when trying to knit your RMarkdown document with Pagedown. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! This article is here to help you navigate through the troubleshooting process and get your document looking fabulous in no time.

What is Pagedown, and Why Do I Need it?

Pagedown is an R package that allows you to create beautifully formatted, interactive HTML documents from your RMarkdown files. It’s a must-have for anyone who wants to present their data in a visually appealing way. With Pagedown, you can create interactive tables, plots, and more, making it a powerful tool for data analysis and presentation.

The Error: A MacBook-Specific Problem

When you try to knit your RMarkdown document with Pagedown from a MacBook, you might encounter an error message that looks like this:

Error in system(paste("pandoc", args, collapse = " "), ignore.stdout = TRUE,  : 
  error in running command
Calls: <Anonymous> ... as.character ──> paste ──> system
Execution halted

This error is specific to MacBooks and occurs due to the way Pagedown interacts with the pandoc system. Don’t worry, it’s not a bug; it’s just a minor inconvenience that can be easily fixed.

Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Guide

To troubleshoot the error, follow these steps:

  1. Check Your Pagedown Version

    Make sure you’re running the latest version of Pagedown. You can check by running:


    If you’re not running the latest version, update Pagedown using:


  2. Install Pandoc

    Pandoc is a system requirement for Pagedown. If you haven’t installed it yet, download and install it from the official Pandoc website:

  3. Check Your Pandoc Path

    After installing Pandoc, check if the path is correctly set by running:


    If the path is not set, you’ll need to add it to your system environment variables.

  4. Update Your RMarkdown YAML Header

    In your RMarkdown YAML header, add the following line:

    pandoc_arg: --lua-filter=/usr/local/bin/./pandoc-lua-filter

    This line tells Pagedown to use the Lua filter, which is required for MacBook compatibility.

  5. Rerun Your RMarkdown Document

    After updating your YAML header, rerun your RMarkdown document using:


    This should successfully knit your document with Pagedown.

Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks

If you’re still encountering issues, try these additional troubleshooting tips:

  • Check Your R Version

    Make sure you’re running the latest version of R. You can check by running:


  • Check Your Pagedown Configuration

    Verify that your Pagedown configuration is correct by running:


    This will display your current configuration settings.

  • Try a Different Knitting Method

    If you’re using the knit button in RStudio, try knitting from the command line instead:

    Rscript -e "knitr::knit('your_document.Rmd')"

  • Reinstall Pagedown and Pandoc

    If all else fails, try reinstalling Pagedown and Pandoc:

    install.packages("pagedown"); install.packages("pandoc")


Troubleshooting the error with Pagedown in RMarkdown when running from a MacBook might seem daunting, but with these step-by-step instructions and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to overcome the issue. Remember to check your Pagedown version, install Pandoc, set the Pandoc path, update your YAML header, and rerun your document. If you’re still encountering problems, try the additional troubleshooting tips provided. Happy RMarkdown-ing!

Keyword Explanation
Pagedown An R package for creating beautifully formatted, interactive HTML documents from RMarkdown files.
Pandoc A system requirement for Pagedown that converts Markdown to HTML.
MacBook A specific type of laptop that may encounter the error when running Pagedown.
RMarkdown A file format that combines R code with Markdown text, allowing for dynamic reporting.
YAML Header A section in the RMarkdown file that specifies document metadata and settings.

This article has provided a comprehensive guide to troubleshooting the error with Pagedown in RMarkdown when running from a MacBook. By following the steps and tips outlined above, you should be able to resolve the issue and create stunning interactive documents with Pagedown.

Remember to stay up-to-date with the latest versions of Pagedown and Pandoc, and don’t hesitate to seek further assistance if you encounter any additional issues. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Questions

Stuck with the pesky pagedown error in Rmarkdown on your Macbook? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out these FAQs to troubleshoot and get back to creating awesome documents.

Why do I get an error when I try to knit my Rmarkdown document using pagedown on my Macbook?

This error usually occurs due to missing or outdated LaTeX packages. Make sure you have the necessary LaTeX packages installed, such as `texlive-latex-extra` and `texlive-fonts-recommended`. You can install them using `tlmgr install texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-recommended` in your terminal.

I’ve installed the LaTeX packages, but I still get an error. What’s going on?

This might be due to a permission issue. Try running R or Rstudio as an administrator, or use `sudo` to install the packages. If you’re using Rstudio, try restarting it after installation.

I’m using a MacBook with an M1 chip, and I still get an error. Is there a specific solution for me?

Yes! On M1 MacBooks, you might need to install Rosetta, a translation layer, to run x86-64 binaries. Then, install the LaTeX packages using `tlmgr` as mentioned earlier.

How do I update my LaTeX packages to the latest version?

You can update your LaTeX packages using `tlmgr update –self –all` in your terminal. This will update `tlmgr` itself and then all the installed packages.

I’ve tried all the above solutions, but I still get an error. What’s my next step?

Don’t worry! If none of the above solutions work, try knitting your document to a different format, such as HTML or Word. If that works, the issue might be specific to pagedown. You can also try reinstalling Rmarkdown and pagedown, or seeking help from online forums or communities.