Unraveling the Mystery of Unused Parameters in Position Embeddings: A Guide to Relative_Key in BertModel
Image by Cirillo - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery of Unused Parameters in Position Embeddings: A Guide to Relative_Key in BertModel

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Are you puzzled by the mysterious appearance of unused parameters in position embeddings when using the relative_key argument in BertModel? Fear not, dear friend, for we’re about to embark on a thrilling adventure to demystify this phenomenon and equip you with the knowledge to tackle it head-on.

The Curious Case of Unused Parameters

As you delve into the world of transformer-based models, you may have stumbled upon the BertModel, a stalwart of natural language processing. When applying the relative_key argument, you might have noticed a peculiar occurrence – unused parameters in position embeddings. But what does it mean, and why does it happen?

To grasp the underlying mechanics, let’s first break down the role of position embeddings in transformer models. These clever little constructs enable the model to capture the spatial relationships between input tokens. By concatenating the input embeddings with learned positional embeddings, the model can differentiate between tokens based on their relative positions.

Now, when you incorporate the relative_key argument, you’re essentially instructing the model to attend to the relative positions of tokens rather than their absolute positions. This subtlety is crucial, as it allows the model to generalize better to varying input lengths.

The Culprit Behind Unused Parameters

So, what’s behind the appearance of unused parameters in position embeddings? The answer lies in the architecture of the BertModel itself. When you create a BertModel instance, it initializes two separate sets of learnable positional embeddings:

  • position_embeddings: These are the standard, absolute positional embeddings.
  • relative_key_embeddings: These are the relative positional embeddings, used when the relative_key argument is enabled.

Here’s the key insight: when you set relative_key=True, the model does not discard the absolute positional embeddings. Instead, it maintains both sets of embeddings, with the relative key embeddings taking precedence. This leads to the unused parameters in the absolute positional embeddings, which can be misleading.

Taming the Unused Parameters

Fear not, for there are ways to tame this beast! You have two primary options to address the unused parameters:

Option 1: Freeze the Absolute Positional Embeddings

One approach is to freeze the absolute positional embeddings, position_embeddings, by setting their requires_grad attribute to False. This effectively prevents the model from updating these embeddings during training.

model.bert.embeddings.position_embeddings.weight.requires_grad = False

This approach ensures that the absolute positional embeddings remain static, allowing the model to focus on the relative key embeddings.

Option 2: Use a Custom BertModel Class

Alternatively, you can create a custom BertModel class that inherits from the original BertModel. In this custom class, you can define a custom forward method that only initializes the relative key embeddings when relative_key=True.

class CustomBertModel(BertModel):
    def __init__(self, config, *args, **kwargs):
        super(CustomBertModel, self).__init__(config, *args, **kwargs)

    def forward(self, input_ids, attention_mask, token_type_ids, relative_key):
        if relative_key:
            self.bert.embeddings.position_embeddings = None  # Disable absolute pos. embeddings
        return super(CustomBertModel, self).forward(input_ids, attention_mask, token_type_ids)

This custom class provides a more elegant solution, allowing you to maintain a cleaner model architecture while still leveraging the benefits of relative key embeddings.

Best Practices for Using Relative Key Embeddings

To get the most out of relative key embeddings, keep the following best practices in mind:

Best Practice Description
Use relative_key=True only when necessary Avoid using relative key embeddings for tasks that don’t benefit from them, as they can increase computational complexity.
Freeze or remove absolute positional embeddings Follow one of the methods outlined above to prevent unused parameters in absolute positional embeddings.
Monitor model performance and computational resources Keep an eye on model performance and computational resource usage when using relative key embeddings, as they can impact training speed and accuracy.
Experiment with different relative key types Try different types of relative key embeddings, such as sinusoidal or learned embeddings, to find the most effective approach for your specific task.


In conclusion, the mysterious appearance of unused parameters in position embeddings when using the relative_key argument in BertModel is a solvable puzzle. By understanding the underlying architecture and implementing one of the two approaches outlined above, you can effectively harness the power of relative key embeddings while avoiding unnecessary complexity.

Remember, a deep understanding of transformer models and their components is key to unlocking their full potential. As you continue to explore the world of natural language processing, keep in mind the importance of attending to the subtleties of model architecture and configurations.

Happy modeling, and may the computational forces be with you!

Frequently Asked Question

Ever wondered why those pesky unused parameters in position embeddings keep popping up when using relative_key in BertModel? Don’t worry, we’ve got the answers!

Why do I see unused parameters in position embeddings when using relative_key in BertModel?

When using relative_key in BertModel, the position embeddings are computed using a learnable embedding matrix. Even if you set the `max_position_embeddings` to a smaller value, the embedding matrix is still initialized with the maximum possible size (usually 512). This means that the unused parameters in position embeddings will still be present, but they won’t be used during inference. Don’t worry, these unused parameters won’t affect the model’s performance!

Will these unused parameters affect my model’s performance?

Nope! Since the unused parameters are not used during inference, they won’t have any impact on your model’s performance. You can safely ignore them. However, if you’re concerned about model size or memory usage, you can consider using a smaller `max_position_embeddings` value or implementing a custom embedding layer that only allocates memory for the used parameters.

How can I reduce the memory usage of the position embeddings?

One way to reduce memory usage is to set the `max_position_embeddings` to a smaller value that matches your specific use case. Another approach is to use a custom embedding layer that only allocates memory for the used parameters. You can also consider using a more efficient embedding scheme, such as sinusoidal embeddings, which can be more memory-friendly.

Can I use a custom embedding layer to avoid unused parameters?

Yes, you can! By implementing a custom embedding layer, you can have full control over how the position embeddings are allocated and used. This allows you to avoid unused parameters and reduce memory usage. However, be aware that this requires more implementation effort and might require changes to your model architecture.

Are there any other implications of using relative_key in BertModel?

Yes, using relative_key in BertModel can have other implications, such as changes to the attention mechanism and the way position embeddings are computed. Make sure to carefully review the documentation and understand the implications of using relative_key on your specific use case.

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